I must admit, with the manner in which you lead, I was expecting your speech to be awkward and hard to watch. Rather, it was neither. You have great energy and can pull a listener in with a detailed, at times humorous, personal story. Really nice job! Thanks for sharing yourself with us.
I must admit, with the manner in which you lead, I was expecting your speech to be awkward and hard to watch. Rather, it was neither. You have great energy and can pull a listener in with a detailed, at times humorous, personal story. Really nice job! Thanks for sharing yourself with us.
Thank you for taking the time to listen as well as for your encouragement! I’m very conscious that I may be my harshest critic. : )
Such is life which is why seeking feedback from others - complete strangers no less, is important.
Go Gina Go!
You were amazing and the tears shed across the board demonstrate the impact and connection you created. xo