Brilliant, as always. I've shared your Substack with several friends, and friends of friends, and am hearing how it's already helping. May your starlight continue to nourish you, and shine on many others.

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Rob, thanks so much for sharing - I'm so glad that it is reaching people and even more so that it seems to be helping. So glad that you are a part of this community!

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Dear Gina, a friend just shared this with me. I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer (3 large lesions on liver) on Aug. 3 2022 at 51. I’m being treated with FOLFOXIRI with hopes for surgery in the next 3-4 months. I’m so happy to have found you and this newsletter, and can’t wait for more!

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I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but sounds like you are on a good path to resection! If you haven’t read this book yet, you may want to; I also have a blog with lots of resources at weareallmadeofstars.net if you feel you need them. And I’m always just a PM away!

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Gina, I’ve loved reading all of your posts and updates - not just because I’ve been cheering on your journey. Not just because the experience has personal resonance for me. But also because you’re such a damn. Good. Writer! You bring everything to life in such an effortless, enveloping way! Always so glad to see a post show up.

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Thank you - I feel like you and I both write the way we speak, which is why I love reading what you write, even though I feel like I almost never read books! Separately, I know the books you typically review are a lot lighter than this, but if you ever see opportunity to push this particular one or this post to your readers, it is always my #1 recommendation for newly diagnosed patients. : )

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You’re kind and right, though you write like you speak as a polished insightful adult whereas I give everyone every ellipse that occurs to me but here we are 🙌🏻

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I love seeing the emails saying that there is a new post. Keep them coming

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Gina, I love this post. From my spelling bee years, the word remission quickly flashes in my head it’s definition ‘release from obligation’. I read your piece through that lens and at every comma, it felt like you were doing just that. Releasing yourself from tbe obligation of a fight with your own body, and others from the obligation of words that float meaninglessly in social media. Thank you for this lesson. ⭐️🌟✨💫

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Gah, Preeti, you continue to kill me with your insight. Releasing myself from the expectation that I need to fight is SO ON POINT. Exactly!!

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I absolutely love this post. Radical remission is SO you - and it seems like the tenets to strive to live by whether you have cancer or not !

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